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Is your current alarm company helping you reduce false alarms or are they helping add to the problem?

False alarms are one of the biggest challenges our industry faces.   Most municipalities have a false alarm ordinance that fines users for excessive false dispatches.  In addition to costing our clients, it also costs the municipality in resources spent responding to the false dispatch.

Guard Tronic employees volunteer hundreds of hours each year to help train industry personnel through state level, industry trade associations.  Much of that training involves reducing false alarms and dispatches.

In addition to training at the sate level, one of our team members serves on the Board of Directors for the False Alarm Reduction Association (FARA).  This group is composed primarily of false alarm administrators from municipalities across the US and Canada.  Monthly conference calls are held to share best practices in reducing the number of false dispatches.

Guard Tronic’s goal is each customer having one false dispatch every ten years (False Alarm Factor of .1) while catching every burglar, robber, and fire.   While we aren’t there yet, we are continuing to strive to meet our goal.

If you are having false alarms, we can help!

Guard Tronic
Proven Property Protection Since 1959
(800) 542-7866