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Security issues continue to plague DIY security systems.  The Mercury News reports a child’s nanny hearing an unrecognized voice coming from the Nest camera threatening to come get the baby.

From the story (linked below):

“what makes this issue even more terrifying is a corporate giant’s complete and utter lack of response.

Nest is owned by Google, and, based on my experience and their public response, Google does not seem to care about this issue. They acknowledge it as a problem, shrug their shoulders and point their fingers at the users. Their party line is to remind people that the hardware was not hacked; it was the user’s fault for using a compromised password and not implementing two-step authentication, in which users receive a special code via text to sign on.

That night, on my way home from work, I called Nest support and was on hold for an hour and eight minutes. I followed all directions and have subsequently received form emails in broken English. Nobody from Google has acknowledged the incident or responded with any semblance of empathy. In every email, they remind me of two-step authentication. They act as if I am going to continue to use Nest cameras.”

If you are a user of Nest products, we recommend you cease using their products immediately.   If you are looking for an electronic system system, including a camera system, please call a professional.   Better equipment for only a few dollars more.

Security systems should help keep the bad guy out.  Not let him in.

Guard Tronic
Proven Property Protection since 1959
(800) 542-7866

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