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How old is the cell phone you are currently carrying?

Statista.com calculates the average life of a consumer’s cellular telephone is 2.49 years.   The life of a work cell phone is even shorter (2.28 years).   We understand technology turns over very quickly, especially when speak about our phones.   Then why do we rely on a 30-year-old security system to keep us safe?  Even if we perform little to no maintenance to ensure it is functioning properly.

We interact with our phones often (some of us WAY too often), so we see the value in paying $100.00+ for the service to keep us connected.   Since many of us only arm/disarm our security system once or twice a day, we see little value in the monitoring/service fee we are paying.

  • What happens when we tied our burglar alarm system to smart home features (allow the security system to turn on lights when we enter our home)?  Does the value of the system increase?
  • If we are able to access cameras throughout the day to check on children and pets, does the monthly fee paid to the monitoring company seem less like a burden?
  • If the smoke detectors also turn on lights when tripped to allow us a more speedy escape, is the system worth more?

If you aren’t interacting with your security system multiple times per day, we think you could be getting more for you money.   We would love to show you how.

Guard Tronic
Proven Property Protection for Over 63 Years
(800) 542-7866


Statistics courtesy of statista.com.
Picture courtesy of New York Times.