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As the temperature cools down, the number of false fire alarms trend upward.

Photoelectric smoke detectors are great at sensing smoke, but other things appear similar and will trip your detector.   Annual maintenance can help reduce these nuisance alarms.

Total release foggers, more commonly referred to as “bug bombs” help keep critters out of your home and business, but the propellant they use appears as smoke to a smoke detector.  If you chose to use one of these, please make sure your smoke detector is completely sealed in an air-tight cover before releasing the spray.

Small insects and bugs may be able to get passed the screen and into the smoke sensing chamber of a smoke detector.   Spraying bug killer near the detector, or placing moth balls on top of the detector, may help deter bugs from making your smoke detector their home for the winter.

HVAC heat strips collect dust when not in use (from spring to late autumn) which can break loose and circulate the first few times you run your heater.   Besides a burning smell, the dust circulated may be thick enough to trip a smoke detector.

NFPA 72 requires an annual test by a qualified service technician.   This is the perfect time of year to have your system serviced.

Guard Tronic
Proven Property Protection Since 1959
(800) 542-7866

(Picture credit:  Arkansas Security Alarm Assocation)