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We take this time to be thankful.

We thank each one of our customers.  It has been an honor to serve you for over 62 years.  We hope we can continue faithfully protecting what you value most.

We thank all of our vendors.  Besides security window screens, Guard Tronic doesn’t manufacturer or produce anything.   We install products manufactured by others (Americans where possible) and service electronic security systems.   We honestly believe we install and service the best products in the industry and are proud to stand beside each vendor.

We are thankful for each of our co-workers.  Many Guard Tronic employees will be working today, Christmas Day, and 24/7/365, watching over 25,000 systems in 24 states.  Guard Tronic is proud to be family owned and feel like our team members are family….even if there is no blood-relationship.

We also want to thank those that don’t fit into any of the categories above, but follow, like, comment, and share our social media pages.  We are grateful for your support.

What are you thankful for today?